A single line that connects the world. To send a message to the world.
I'm touched beyond words. Thank you messages, gratitude!
I'm touched beyond words. Thank you messages, gratitude!
How far would you go to bring the world together?
In a powerful display of solidarity, people from around the globe meet to create The World Piece: a living manifestation of the bonds that unite us across cultures and borders. In doing so, they state in more than words that if we dare to connect, the world can’t fall apart.
The stories that flow through us all.
The 61 beautiful and diverse human beings who took part in The World Piece together represent 70.3% of the global population. Each of them offered their body as a canvas on which to tell their personal story and show their commitment to bringing the world together. Their stories resonate within us all and bind us.
To send a message to the world.
momondo was founded on the belief that everybody should be able to travel the world because traveling unites us. But today, our world seems more divided than ever.
In response, momondo has created The World Piece. In the film, people from around the globe meet to tell their personal story and show their commitment to bringing the world together.
Shoulder to shoulder, they create a visual manifestation of the connections that unite us across borders and cultures — revealing that if we dare to connect, the world can’t fall apart.
In response, momondo has created The World Piece. In the film, people from around the globe meet to tell their personal story and show their commitment to bringing the world together.
Shoulder to shoulder, they create a visual manifestation of the connections that unite us across borders and cultures — revealing that if we dare to connect, the world can’t fall apart.
A single line that connects the world.
World-renowned tattoo artist Mo Ganji incorporates his own life philosophy of “less is more” into his tattoos — giving a single, unbroken black line the power to evoke figures of nature and man.
We hope The World Piece will inspire you to become part of bringing the world together.
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